last updated September 07, 2018
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The Falco's proven record and engineering puts it in a class by itself. It was designed by Stelio Frati, one of the great aircraft designers of all time. It was certified as a production aircraft. It was built as a production aircraft and has a history of over 40 years of use by pilots in Europe. Now, with many refinements, the Sequoia Falco is a modern, state-of-the-art aircraft built from kits and flown by pilots all over the world.
We were asked to develop the molds for the cowling and also produce these parts. The cowling plug was produced from “a stack” of paper drawings (no CAD available then) Alfred Scott, the owner and “drafter” understood the risk of fabricating expensive and molds JUST FROM MEASUREMENTS AND DRAWINGS!. The result was “FLAWLESS”. Despite the complex shape and the close tolerances there were no changes needed. We are still the sole supplier for these cowlings. The molds are still in good shape after some 30 years of use.
We subsequently fabricated most of the molds for all the other composite parts for the aircraft. We are still producing parts out of the same molds.
After some 40 years there have been some recent changes at Sequoia Aircraft Corporation and also at CODEVCO LLC.
September 2018
Hello! Builders,
It is time for me to give my full attention to completing the CATAMARAN. I am making needed changes to my infrastructure. As a consequence; this will be my last production run of the FALCO composite components. The molds will be made available to GUNDER RESTORATION & DESIGN Stay in touch on his web site and Sequoia Aircraft Corporation, as well as this one.
To be guaranteed to be included in this last fabrication run by me, order before October 15, 2018
Thank you for being a valued customer
Fred Jiran
List and "pics" of parts we can fabricate
Some notes about the COMPOSITE COMPONENTS
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