HULL # 1

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Here is a an overview of the construction of the first hull  Stbd hull as it turned out later.



The original mold in Mojave CA  ca. 1988

First four hull segments from Mojave CA

The "base"" laid out and ready

Hull segments being unloaded

A sailplane in the foreground

arrived on a flat bed truck


and positioned on the "base"





Joining the two right 40'sections

Ready to be "stood up"

In progress with ropes and pulleys!

Up and almost ready for the deck



 and just my daughter and I

I did remove the rigging post first!





My "workshop" to the left and rear in  the picture

The deck mold in my workshop

My workshop floor

Not easy to work in San Leon!


But despite it all  HERE IT IS!

 I am note sure who wrote the description!



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